Sunday, July 6, 2008

I recently returned from a family reunion up at Bear Lake. I was really looking forward to biking around the lake. I was saving it for the last day there but unfortunately hurt my back the day before so I spent the last day there laying on the couch. I took this picture the day before. I am glad I at least made it to Idaho.

This last picture is of my wife on the left and her sister-in-law Kariann on the right.
Again these were taken with my phone so I am sorry for the low quality. I need to get me a nice small camera that I can carry with me.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

that is really good that you made it to Idaho-- I had no idea. You can realize your dream for going around the lake the next time we get you guys out there. Love the pic of Julie and Kariann- ahh the memories.