Saturday, June 14, 2008

Biking to Antelope

This year I have started to ride my bike a lot more. Partly because of gas prices and the other being clinically obese and having a hot wife makes me want to get in better shape. Yesterday was my longest ride so far. I went to Antelope Island (In the Great Salt Lake) and rode around there a bit and then came back. I'm new at this. Total ride was just over 30 miles. Did I mention there are a lot of gnats on the road out to the island. I felt like the front of a car when I got back. I saw one person who had the right idea wearing a mask. I wish I had had one when I ate that huge bug. Well like I said I am new at this. I only averaged around 16 mph but I did get up to 37 on the island. I am riding my old Marin mountain bike that I have converted to more of a commuter bike. I hope to get a new bike in the next year or so. My total miles for the year is 307 miles. That consists of my weekend rides and I have been riding to work and back. It is only a 14 mile round trip but on some days I try and stretch out my ride home. You know people always tell me I am going to die on my motorcycle but I have to tell you I am ten times more afraid on my bike. Luckily there are some good back roads and a few trails that keep me away from the more heavy traffic. These are a few pictures I took with my phone. Well hope to see ya on the roads.


Julie said...

Those are great pictures and I love the finish you put on them. Congratulations on some great accomplishments!

Autumn said...

man i wish i could be there with you